Review: Maple-Dijon Glazed Salmon from the Hartford Courant
28 Nov, 2020
Ratings - Ease: 5/5, Taste: 3/5, Price: $
Scale: Ease out of 5, with 5 being easy and 1 difficult. Taste out of 5, 5 being delicious and 1 being disgusting. Price out of 5 dollar ($) signs, $ being cheap and $$$ being expensive.
This was definitely the simplest dish I made this Thanksgiving. It came out fine, so I can't say anything bad about its flavor. The appearance, if you couldn't tell from the picture above, was somewhere between boring and sad. This will probably be one of the shorter blog posts.
I followed most of the recipe's instructions, but I didn't really measure out the ingredients for the glaze, I just mixed them in until I liked the taste. I used some pretty low quality, off-brand Dijon Mustard and Maple Syrup, so it obviously could have been a lot better if I had some better stuff to work with.
I would recommend this dish for two specific occasions. One, which was my situation, if you have a lot of dishes to make and need a pescatarian main dish, but haven't devoted enough time, thought, or energy into making one. Two, if you want a quick, semi-healthy, sophisticated weekday dinner. The second one is much more common, obviously, so I can definitely see myself making this again.
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