Ratings - Ease: 4/5, Taste: 5/5, Price $

Scale: Ease out of 5, with 5 being easy and 1 difficult. Taste out of 5, 5 being delicious and 1 being disgusting. Price out of 5 dollar ($) signs, $ being cheap and $$$ being expensive.

Link to the video recipe: 

Joshua Weissman is without a doubt one of the best food YouTubers, in my opinion, with extremely high production value, and a knowledge of food that rivals any professional chef I've seen videos of. His focaccia recipe seemed like the perfect use of the active dry yeast I bought for making Greek pitas from Quang Tran, and it was absolutely amazing. When it came out of the oven, the bottom was beautifully crunchy, and the inside was soft and fluffy. That being said, when it gets cold the crunch is permanently gone, but the tenderness can be resotred by reheating it. As a beginner bread baker this was a perfect recipe, and I would definitely put this forth for anyone who wants to learn to bake their own bread. Another huge plus was that no stand mixer was required, so I could make this one properly unlike many other bread recipes I saw online. If you're not interested in bread baking, Joshua has numerous other recipes that are insanely cool and desrcibed well, please check him out.

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Krishna Sreenivasan

Reviews of easily accessible online recipes, so you know what's worth making at home